Spring News

The upside to a winter that seemed to last too long is that spring seems sweeter than ever – the colours are brighter, the blossom smells stronger and the skies seem bluer. I don’t think I have ever seen the countryside look more beautiful! All the cows are now out in the fields happily grazing…

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Autumn at The Stables and Henhouse

Autumn is ideal for getting active and The Stables and Hen House are the perfect base for getting out and about. Walking is really popular with our guests and it doesn’t get much better than around here – whether is half an hour or half a day the walking is varied and interesting with lots…

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Summer News

hen house outside front

It has been a busy few months here – The Hen House is finished and is now up and running and proving a big hit with our guests. I may be a tiny bit biased but it is lovely – beautifully finished by our small team of local builders – Pete, John and Andy who…

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